ISI-Inail 2021 call for the safety of our work spaces

Bando per la rimozione dell'amianto dal tetto

We recently participated in a tender announced by Inail for the removal of asbestos from our operational areas. The project we presented involves the removal and subsequent disposal, operated by a specialized company, of approximately 1,200 sqm of asbestos-concrete roofing sheets located on the roof of our first production site, in Lenna (Bergamo), which currently houses two departments that are both historic and crucial for our work in the production of frame mouldings: the carpentry and painting departments.

Over the years, naturally, these production areas have been regularly monitored and quipped with false ceilings to safeguard the health of the people who work there every day.

To offer an even safer working environment that complies with all the current regulations, all asbestos sheets will be removed, eliminating any risk of emission of fibers harmful to health, both within the company and in the surrounding area.

Asbestos removal and construction of a new roof

The construction site is about to start in these days, and in the space of approximately two months the specialized workers of the AT Group company of Rogno (BG), in charge of the work, will:

  1. Secure the entire intervention area.
  2. Treat the asbestos-concrete roofing with primer to avoid dispersions during the removal phases.
  3. Remove the asbestos-concrete panels and replace them with steel panels and heat-insulating material.
  4. Install fall protection nets under the skylights and the lifeline with relative anchoring points in order to improve safety.
  5. Transport material containing asbestos to a landfill for special disposal.

Less asbestos, more health for everyone

Our corporate ethics and the sector in which we operate necessarily lead us to pay greater attention to the environment around us; this intervention to secure our work areas and the production of frame rods and other wooden products is part of a broader project to harmonize the company with the surrounding area and to show greater and more tangible respect, both for people and for the nature.